Hi Everyone

We are releasing a new Heimdall version v1.0.3 which includes a patch for a bug in event log parsing. We request you all to upgrade your validator nodes at the earliest.

Steps for Upgrading Heimdall

Before proceeding, please create a backup of your heimdall config file whose default location is: /var/lib/heimdall/config/config.toml. This might differ if you have setup heimdall at a different location.

  1. Stop heimdalld service

    sudo service heimdalld stop
  2. Install Heimdall with a version tag, network name (mainnet), and node type (sentry or validator).

    # Replace the network and node type
    curl -L <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maticnetwork/install/main/heimdall.sh> | bash -s -- v1.0.3 mainnet <node_type>
  3. Check heimdall version

    /usr/bin/heimdalld version
    # It should print
    # 1.0.3
  4. Ensure that heimdalld service file contains the —-chain=mainnet flag. The heimdalld service file is available at /etc/systemd/system/heimdalld.service

    You can use the following as reference:

    1. For validator nodes: https://github.com/maticnetwork/heimdall/blob/develop/packaging/templates/systemd/heimdalld-mainnet-validator.service
    2. For non validator nodes: https://github.com/maticnetwork/heimdall/blob/develop/packaging/templates/systemd/heimdalld-mainnet-sentry.service
  5. Restart heimdall service

    sudo service heimdalld start
  6. Restart the telemetry services

    sudo service telemetry restart

Docker Images

You can find the latest docker images here:



Polygon Team