23rd Nov, 2023


For infrastructure partners,

In versions 0.3.X the stateDB configuration is defined in the section [StateDB]. In version 0.4.1, the old [StateDB] section has been moved to [State.DB] section.

AFTER the mainnet update, please follow below instructions:

For infrastructure partners using WebSockets, Recommendations for Partners using WebSockets:

Instructions for updating to node v0.4.1:

  1. Stop the RPC, Synchronizer and Executor
  2. In version 0.4.1, in the node config file, create a [State] section and inside of this create [State.DB] section and put inside the config parameters to connect to the state DB.



User = "state_user"

Password = "state_password"

Name = "state_db"

Host = "zkevm-state-db"

Port = "5432"

EnableLog = false

MaxConns = 200

image (5).png