In continuation to, the basic setup of Amoy Testnet is complete with a small number of nodes and the network is up and running. More tooling and services are required in order to onboard users and developers. This document outlines the steps for setting up a new Amoy Testnet node.


<aside> 💡 Follow the steps in the same sequence as described here, else you might run into issues.


Install Packages




Configure Client

In this section, we will go through steps to configure the node.

Configure Heimdall

  1. Initialize Heimdall configs

    # For Amoy
    sudo -u heimdall heimdalld init --chain=amoy --home /var/lib/heimdall
  2. You will need to add a few details in the config.toml file. Open /var/lib/heimdall/config/config.toml and

    1. Change Moniker

      moniker=<enter unique identifier> For example, moniker=my-sentry-node
    2. Change the value of Prometheus to true

    3. Set the max_open_connections value to 100

    Make sure you keep the proper formatting when you make the changes above.